Week One Complete….

What a wonderful week. The ladies did 4 full days at the thrifts stores and the guys moved logs getting ready for the chapel next week. The guys also cleaned, moved items at the thrift stores and Lydia’s House. However, the best part was sharing Jesus with a few folks that the Lord placed in our path.

One of the days the guys were working in the yard at Lydia’s House a young man was walking by. He asked John what they were doing and John asked him if he wanted to work for a few hours with them. The young man was a very hard worker and John shared Jesus with him. The young man said he knew Jesus so the two of them praised the Lord for the blessing of some hard work getting done and a little cash in the young man’s pocket.

Us ladies took off after lunch to go grab some plants for the memorial garden. Not knowing the area well, of course we googled nurseries in the area. We found two that were close and decided to go to the one farthest away first and then if that didn’t work stop at the second one after. It was truly the Lord sending us there!!! When we arrived at Peace River Growers we went into the office and was told if we didn’t mind hanging around a few minutes Becky the one who takes care of sales would be back after picking up her daughter. The receptionist, who was also her aunt, shared that her dad recently died and they we short handed. That seemed strange to me to have her share this with a total stranger, but I guess God wanted us to know. We were handed an availability list and was told to go look around. Not really knowing the names of any of the plants we just started looking around enjoying the fresh air. We were then approached by Becky’s husband who offered us a cart to ride around to look at ALL the flowers…..this place was huge!! When Becky arrived we headed back to the office to show her the pictures (thanks to Georgie thinking of pictures!!) we took of the plants we were interested in. We shared with her that we were with Sherry White Ministries and looking for plants for the memorial garden on the Pioneer Farm. Becky proceeded to ask if this was the place that had the bike-a-thon. When we shared with her it was she started tearing up. When she started apologizing we told her we knew her dad just passed and we understood. That’s when she informed us it was her sister that passed and her sister Lori had done the bike-a-thon. Becky then said she would like to to donate the flowers in her sisters honor. Amazed as what God was doing, we had an opportunity to pray with her and share God’s goodness…..one of the plants we choose was a beauty thorn bush that she thought was what was used to make Jesus’s crown. Daily I am amazed at what God will place in front of us if we only listen!!

Ladies progress this week….

Please be praying over the next few weeks the Lord gives us many more opportunities to share His love with those He puts in our path!!!

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