At the end of 2019 we had planned the first half of 2020 to include 3 months of SOWER Projects. The first was in February in Florida. We loved the project at Lake Wales Care Center and pray we can serve with them again in the future. (you can read the full adventure on previous posts) After Lake Wales we had three weeks back in SC before we were planning to go to Camp Westminster in Conyers GA. Then the pandemic hit…..

With the first wave of Convid 19 concerns our April trip was canceled. Half way through April the SOWER leadership decided to cancel all May projects. With no project in our future I continued working and John began projects around our daughter house. When the house projects were completed John contacted the church to see if anyone needed help from the tornatos that touched down in our area. With no one in the congragation needing help, Praise God everyone was safe! However, Pastor Randy informed John that Tony Perdomo was doing a few projects in the church and could use his help there if he was interested…indeed he was!! A man that is expecting to work for two months and then all of a sudden have nothing, can drive a loving wife crazy!!

I am happy to report no one has gone crazy and a few more projects have been completed! Now to share photo’s of John’s April projects…..

Don’t worry we have found a few large projects for May too, and will be updating as the progress begins!! The pictures attached are the front of the sanctuary at our home church, Calvery Chapel Greer, SC. This is John typeing now so to let you know when I started this project I was a little taken back thinking what have I gotten myself into. As the day progressed my new found friend John Bakewell was working on the kitchen project in the front office area.

After asking him for a helping hand to lift some plywood that which in my younger days would have not been a problem. Now I’ve learned to ask for help. So, John saw the dilema of the stage not being finished by just one man so he jumped in to help and within one week the job was complete. Thanks John I could not have done it with out your expertise.

Church Stage 1
Church Stage 2
Church Stage 3
Church Stage 4
Church Stage 5
Church Stage 6
Church Stage 7
Church Stage 8
Church Stage 9
Chruch Stage 10
Church Stage 11
Church Stage 12
Church Stage 14
Church Stage 15
Church Stage 16
Church Stage 17
Church Stage 18
Church Stage 19
Church Stage 20
Church Stage 21
John’s helpers at our daughters……
Finishing up the wall with White Wash Planks…
  • admin
  • No better adventure then being married to your best friend since 1981. We had 5 children, 8 grandchildren and currently 2 great grandchildren! We love Jesus and can't wait to share Him with you through these posts....

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