More then work….

Being at the Boys Ranch has been such a blessing. Our Camper was right next to the pond and one of the young men fished there regularly. John went to join him one afternoon and found his fishing pole was broken, so John shared one of his open reel rods with him while we were here. What a great opportunity John had to mentor with a few of these young men at the pond. They created a bond that was fun to watch.

Week two they keep coming over to borrow John’s fishing pole and bragged about what they were catching…as you can see John asked them to show him the next catch. By the end of week two John picked up a fishing pole for him at Walmart…he was so excited he went running away to show the other young men . The photo is the fish he caught with the new pole.

One of the other young men, John was fishing with was able to return to his mom while we were here. What an exciting blessing for him. He was excited!! John sat down the night before he left and wrote him a letter of encouragement. The young man was so surprised that John would take the time to write him a note.

Our time at each location is so short, the best we can do is plant seeds. Oh, but what a blessing to plant the seeds of Jesus Love as we travel from one location to an other. We may never see the growth of the seeds we plant along the way however, we know we are leaving these seeds in the best gardening hands ever….JESUS!

Psalms126:6 They may weep as they go out carrying their seed to sow, but they will return with joyful laughter and shouting with gladness as they bring back armloads of blessing and a harvest overflowing.! TPT

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#plantingseeds #Biblespeaks

#Jesus #butfirstJesus

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  • No better adventure then being married to your best friend since 1981. We had 5 children, 8 grandchildren and currently 2 great grandchildren! We love Jesus and can't wait to share Him with you through these posts....

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