Last week…

It is hard to believe that we already completed our first SOWER Ministry Trip. It was a great week of meeting new friends, working hard and seeing what God has in store for us. At the end of our trip my devotion happen to be part Psalms 90 and the last verse states “O Lord our God, let your sweet beauty rest upon us and give us favor. Come work with us, and then our works will endure and give us success in all we do.” TPT version. “May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us— yes, establish the work of our hands.” NIV version.(NKJV and ESV almost word for word of NIV) I just love how God speaks to us when we lest expect it. When God speaks to me through a verse I like looking it up a few versions, just to confirm that what I think I read is what God intended me to understand. What a great thought, God is working with us to give us success or establishing the work to go forward for His glory, what other success is needed?

This last week the ladies did more cleaning. We cleaned the wonderful yellow pollen off the ladies cabins to help prepare for the big summer camp programs. In one of the cabins we found a treasure box full of toy dalmatians for each camper in the cabin to pick one during their camp adventure. This treasure has been in the Phoebe cabin since 1984. What a cute idea and sweet surprise for those campers over the past 35 years.

The ladies also stuffed and labeled about 2,500 letters that will be sent out soon. The letters are testimonies from the camp counselors that will be teaching the campers this summer. The testimonies range from counselors excited to be returning as now a senior counselor who will be in charge of sharing the Gospel. To first time jr.counselors who once were campers, excited to return and being able to help a new camper enjoy the same great experience they had as a camper.

What a wonderful time I had praying over cabins and bunks for the future 2019 campers. Then praying over these letters, counselors and the donations that will pour in to help curve the expense of camp for families that could not afford such a wonderful camp like this. The camp grounds are so wonderful and well keep. I was amazed to see all the things that are available for the summer events. They have horseback riding, paintball, climbing walls, fishing pond, swimming pool and now a gun range that the men were able to build this last week. This is better then any camp I attended growing up and to intertwine teaching of the Good News of Jesus is just a win win!!

As I stated the last week the men finished up painting the bathrooms and Swan Cab in along with building a great gun range platform. It is amazing how much work they completed in such a short time. Look over the pictures and I am sure you will agree the Lord was working with each of us to complete the task at hand.

If you know a camper or just want to donate to Camp Westminster please visit their website There are good things happening there!!

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  • No better adventure then being married to your best friend since 1981. We had 5 children, 8 grandchildren and currently 2 great grandchildren! We love Jesus and can't wait to share Him with you through these posts....

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