Just Arriving Trip #2

Trip #2 has arrived and here we are in Camp Bethel in Wise VA. A special Thank You to Mr. and Mrs. Troy Webster for help sponsering this trip. It is such a blessing when friends want share in this ministry through pray and finances. Thank you again! Now on to our mission:

We are nestled in the beautful Appalachian Mountains and the camp is amazing and full of history. The camp started in 1939 as missionaries visted the area and felt the need to come share Jesus with the region. The missionaries felt a summer camp would be a perfect outreach venue and began the planning by visited the schools and teaching the children Bible verses. John D. Henry Jr hosted camps around the area for 7 years before the Lord brought him the the current location of Camp Bethel.

Once the location was set the Lord motivate many to give of their time and resources to build Camp Bethel. It started with three cabins and a “mess hall” on 29 acres in 1946. It now has many addition cabins and a full gymnasiam and a 300-seat dining hall on the now 160 acres of Camp Bethel. To read the history of Camp Bethel go to http://www.campbethel.com/history-of-cbm.html . See all the wonderful pictures and old cabins that we will be working on this amazing property over the next few weeks.

I will be updating weekly and of course adding many photos of our adventure so besure to come back over the next few weeks and see how we are doing!

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  • No better adventure then being married to your best friend since 1981. We had 5 children, 8 grandchildren and currently 2 great grandchildren! We love Jesus and can't wait to share Him with you through these posts....

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