Jesus is always teaching…..

So this week I am back in a thrift store, Eagle Rock Thrift Store, volunteering. The first job I began was untangling jewelry…it brought be back to a wonderful women’s retreat a few years back. (I would share how long, but I don’t remember…LOL) The pastors wife, Ruth at the Uprising, fasted and prayed for months (still does!!) about what Jesus wanted her to teach us ladies. She felt the Lord leading her to prepare us ladies for our Groom Jesus! Ruth wanted to share about His love for us as His bride. So, she thought it would be great to give each of us ladies a wedding band and on the last night. What better way then to have them connected to chains to present them. Also, in case the ladies didn’t want them on their fingers, they could have it around their neck.

All excited we ladies setting up headed to prepare for the retreat and when we pulled out the rings… guessed it they were all tangled together! We all took turns trying to untangle the mess that had been created. By Friday evening it was still a big sliver ball of disaster! At that point it was kind of decided we would forget about giving the ladies a ring and work on all the other things we had planed for them,. Saturday morning during the morning session I saw a vision that the chains were the ladies lives and HE WAS untangling them. I shared with Ruth I wanted to go to the room the next session and work on the chains….That is when she said little an other lady was already up there working on them during the current session. I was so excited, God was showing us, HE was already taking care of it and that I was to go and help. I was not just suppose to help untangle, but to share with those who continued the task of untangling that we were to pray for each lady as we pulled a chain apart from the tangled mess. We didn’t know what was going on in everyone’s life….how could we. However, HE knew and He heard every one of our prayers. I believe each women was freed that weekend from stuff we tangled into our lives. Many shared that weekend of feeling His love for the first time in a new way.

To this day I still wear the silver ring on my pinky to remind me that Jesus wants to love me always, speak to me, show me His plans so I can pray for others and untangle each one of His brides all from the mess of this life we get into!

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