Harvest Time Bible Camp

What a great way to start the fall with a project named Harvest Time Bible Camp. All the Bible Camps we attended this year, was to prepare the property for the “Harvest.” To come and hear the Word of God. “Then he said to his disciples, “The Harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.” I am so gracious of the many workers we have met this year. It is wonderful to hear the stories of the “Harvest” they are reaching. Every camp has hundreds that come through their fields each year hearing the Word and many except Jesus as their Lord and Savior. We might not be there when lives are being changed, however we are doing our part to allow kids and families to enjoy their visit.

Harvest Time Bible Camp had 78 children this year give their life to Jesus. Along with making sure the Word is being taught, the camp makes sure they are matched up to a church to continue being discipled when they leave. What a blessing knowing the children that are not from Christian homes have an opportunity to continue learning about Jesus.

It was a great month working with old friends Phil & Linda Pelc and new friends that we found live right around the corner from us… Robert and Marcia McCollum. We also had an addition to the group, some good friends of ours came down from Delaware Gary and Alice Ward. Gary worked in water management and when our host, Stephen, showed us his problem with the overflow of the creek John called Gary for advice. Gary and Alice came down week two to get the job done. As the host Stephen stated, I share all the projects that we need completed at the camp, and at some point Jesus will send the right person to complete the job. The water management issue was only one of many items that were completed. The guys also built seats in the hay wagon, painted the floor and walls, along with a new roof on the craft room, plus raised the roof for the new hog pen. The A frame supply building was organized, while others filled holes and seeded the grounds. They also replaced the water heater in shower and laundry building. The ladies cleaned after the weekend retreat groups had left, then Marcia and Babette painted the wagon and fence while Linda painted the Scripture signs and horse tags for the barn. It was a successful month with a lot of items completed and ready for next years camp.

Hay Wagon Project

What a wonderful month October was! I am looking forward to working with these folks again.

Be looking for updates on our Florida project, we have already completed week one!

Blessing and Love,

John and Babette

  • admin
  • No better adventure then being married to your best friend since 1981. We had 5 children, 8 grandchildren and currently 2 great grandchildren! We love Jesus and can't wait to share Him with you through these posts....


  • Hello Phillips”! Wayne & Gail Fieler #3187 here! This is our home project and it does our heart so good to see others sharing and enjoying Harvest Time Bible Camp. The presence of Jesus is surely there. You folks got so much accomplished, what a blessing to the Lord, to the Camp and to the Brackeen’s. Blessings, Wayne & Gail

    • Gail,
      We had a great time at Harvest Time Bible Camp. I was amazed of all the items we
      knocked out. I think it surprised everyone. We had a great crew and we all agreed
      we wanted to go back next year if the Lord sees fit for us to do so.
      Have a great day,

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