First Project of 2021 Complete….

What a bitter sweet evening…. knowing we will all be heading our separate ways. However, it is great to celebrate a job well done and meeting new friends… This trip was even more special then usual our SOWER group was joined with three other volunteers Bob, Dennis and Susan. I love how the Lord can take 13 strangers with many personalities make lasting friends in three weeks….He is AMAZING!!

I thought to close out this project blog I would just upload the beginning and finished project of each job we completed.

First the men and the Chapel:

Heaven Sent Thrift Store…

Next Mustard Seed Thrift Store…

What a great privilege to be on the road and giving a helping hand to different ministries. We look at the small jobs completed and sometimes wonder what a difference we are really making. Like building walls to a chapel that currently has no roof, as the ministry waits on God for the rest of the building supplies and workers. Or cleaning and organizing a back room of these thrift stores in order for the employees to find items to stock the floor. Or fixing over 30 bikes for sale. What do these little things do to help this ministry? First and for most it encourages those here on site and isn’t that what the Lord told us to do…

1 Thessalonians 5:11 Because of this, encourage the hearts of your fellow believers and support one another, just as you have already been doing.

Because of what? Because Jesus gave His life for us so that we can share with others and support the work of sharing Jesus love to those that don’t know Him. We never know how even the little things we do can affect the Kingdom of God. All we can do is follow His voice and guidance from the Holy Spirit to do what we are able. He will do the rest.

I pray the Lord shows you, what little thing you can do today for His Kingdom. Please pray for us as we travel this week to Alabama for our next project. Until then Keep Shining for Him!!

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  • No better adventure then being married to your best friend since 1981. We had 5 children, 8 grandchildren and currently 2 great grandchildren! We love Jesus and can't wait to share Him with you through these posts....

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