Camp Westminster Year Two

Will any summer camps open up this year? Will the story of Jesus be told by camp fires over s’mores? How about pools and swimming adventures talking about being baptized proclaiming your belief in Jesus? I pray so! I hear so many testimonies that a camp experience was how they came to know Jesus. I personally think it’s being out in His creation, enjoy the sky full of stars, hearing all the frogs, crickets and what else makes noise in the dark while you try to sleep. Or maybe it’s the fact you are out of a regular routine no phones, no TV’s or video games to occupy your mind. Whatever the reason we find Jesus at summer camp, the fact is He is there to be found and camp needs to continue!! That is why we are volunteering at Camp Westminster getting ready for whatever is allowed this year.

We were suppose to be here for two months, but with April Covid 19 the first month was canceled for our safety by the camp. May the camp felt safe to go ahead and have volunteers come help out, so here we are. The camp’s project this year was to tile 14 shower stalls in one of the cabins. However, with the uncertainty of whether or not camp will be allowed the camp decided to finish the four stalls they already had tile four. John finished the floor on three of them, the SOWER’s before us did the walls of all four and one of the floors. Without camp filling up they decided to paint the other 10 showers….my job. It is cost effective since to tile each shower the cost is around $800….no campers no tile. Unless you would like to donate feel free to go to and then we can tile a few more showers.

Other then showers John is putting up a rail on some steps and a roof on the shooting range he and Ed built last year. I will upload pictures of these jobs as they progress. The pictures from this past week are all shower…… You can see for yourself how great the tile looks!

Well, that’s all for now…more to follow!!!

Planning for the roof…..
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  • No better adventure then being married to your best friend since 1981. We had 5 children, 8 grandchildren and currently 2 great grandchildren! We love Jesus and can't wait to share Him with you through these posts....

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