An Other Month Serving Gods People….

We have had the pleasure of spending a month at a beautiful camp ground! Surrounded by mountains with great hikes and drives to enjoy on our days off. However, we did not enjoy the snow the first few weeks here! Coming from the east coast who would of thought we would have snow in May??? Good thing we packed a few winter items to work in.

John and I were the only SOWERs on this project this month so taking work pictures was not much fun. I did a lot of cleaning (not just snow off cars….lol). I cleaned the refrigerators for the counselor housing, organized the laundry room and bathroom vents. Didn’t think anyone would be interested in seeing the dirt so no picture’s to prove I worked.

John worked with Jerry Chesser the SOA*(sower on assignment) here at the camp for some of the Wash House Project. That’s when Jerry was pulled away, when he was I was able to help John out with real power tools…lol. On and off other staff came to help depending on other project was needed. The camp has been hopping the last few weeks as everyone try’s to button up things for the children to arrive on May 31st. We had summer counselors here the past two weeks cleaning and training.

This has been a great project even with the snow. The staff here are amazing and so appreciative of the work you can do to help out. They are all so excited to have children and pour into them the love of Jesus this year. So much was lost last year due to COVID and they are so eager to love on the children that will be here. Below is a portion of the camps statement from the website….why wouldn’t you want to help get a camp ready for children to come to when this is the camps agenda:

But what we’re known for, and what we want YOU to know about us, is that:

WE LOVE JESUS. We believe that discipleship will impact the world, and we know that intentional time in the Word will change hearts. So we commit ourselves to both in order to know Jesus better and to help others know Him, too.

WE LOVE FUN. We’re convinced that there is no better way to build life-long, life-changing relationships than through shared experiences and laughter. So we pave the way for both by hiring only the best staff and by working hard to create exceptional programs.

WE LOVE KIDS. We believe Jesus meant it when He said that the Kingdom belongs to such as these, so we’re doing our darndest to meet as many kids as we can right where they’re at, introducing them to Him and loving on them like He does in the process.

WE LOVE THE GREAT COMMISSION. You can bet that we’ll be spreading our enthusiasm for Jesus, kids, and fun wherever we’re at, whether on top of a Colorado mountain or out in the middle of a Missouri soybean field.


John and I are so grateful to be able to use our talents that God gave us to farther His Kingdom, one project at a time.






*SOA Sower on Assignment is a couple that works at one project more then 3 months at a time to complete specific jobs.

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  • No better adventure then being married to your best friend since 1981. We had 5 children, 8 grandchildren and currently 2 great grandchildren! We love Jesus and can't wait to share Him with you through these posts....

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