Almost Over!?!?!?!

It’s so crazy how fast our trips come to an end. Sitting here this afternoon thinking OMG I never even posted last week and it is Wednesday already. We have had a great tiring time cleaning and repairing cabins, rooms and bathrooms. The men have made some great progress putting showers and toliets back on solid ground. Patching holes from the wonderful woodpeakers and wood bees (probably not the techingoly name…LOL). Along with building a bridge to get across to one of the cabins and weed wacking (Great job Doug!!!). The ladies after much cleaning and preparing for 200 guest this week began staining the railing of one of the bathhouses. As we look around there is still many little things that need attention, so John has decided to return for two more weeks and help out. I wish I could join in, however I am expected back at work….few more years then I too can fully be available like him. I was going to say retire but we never really retire from the work the Lord has for us.

One of the many things I enjoy about SOWERs projects are the devotion time in the morning. Each couple takes a morning to share and the varity is as deversed as God has made us. One thing about SOWERs we are not one specific denomination, so our main focus is the Word of God, our Wonderful Father, His Son and precious Holy Spirit and how They are a big part of each of our lives. The expresssions of the individual comes across in the devotion that is shared. One couple have a gift of music and stories, an other couple shared a skit on the Lord’s Prayer and the last couple shared Oswald Chambers “My Utmost for His Highest” Devotions. We did ours on encouraging words and being joyful, so as you can see we are uplifted daily by many different thought provoking aspects of God and His hand on us.

Our weekends are spent visiting local areas. Even when we are out in the area enjoying the sites, we wear our pins giving us many opportunities to share what we are doing, about SOWERs and most of all about what God is doing in our life. We have been so blessed to have this opportunty and I am looking forward to as many trips as the Lord allows!

Sharing adventures,

John and Babette

(Posting after our trip due to the low internet in the camp.)

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  • No better adventure then being married to your best friend since 1981. We had 5 children, 8 grandchildren and currently 2 great grandchildren! We love Jesus and can't wait to share Him with you through these posts....

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