2020 SOWER Trip #1

It is so hard to believe it is Monday of our last week. Yes, I have slacked off getting to our website trying to begin a Facebook page. So many of our family and friends are on Facebook and that is certianly easier to jump on and off on my phone….or so I thought!

Any way…on with our mission being in Lake Wales. We are here volunteering at the “Lake Wales Care Center” www.lakewalescarecenter.com. It started 35 years ago with a small group of business men, churches and college students that wanter to find a way to have care for their neighbors. They began with a food panty and clothes closet that as grown into a three million dollar center that supports itself with, donations, specail events, thrift stores and grants for the health care and free clinic needs. They now have about 60 staff and and 2,123 volunteers serving 81,729 hours (2018 stats).

Our volunteer hours for the ladies included working in the thrift stores, combing through clothes, linens, holiday, household, lamps and pictures. Pricing and getting on the shelves as fast as the guests were taking them off. Last Thursday we were part of a team that stuffed 2,650 annual reports to be sent out in the mail. The guys have layed flooring at the office, put up doors, walls and partications in the thrift store, building barn doors on tool shed and dry wall and ceilings in some of the transitional houses. Oh and painted the roof….it has been a great few weeks.

I think what I enjoy the most is meeting new people and being able to share Jesus with them. The care center serves a community dinner every Sunday from 12:15 to 1:15 PM. There is a different church each week that prepares and serves. We went to serve but they had that covered we were just visited with those that came in to grab a meal. The conversations were wonderful and being able to pray and encourage those we sat with was such a blessing. The second week I brought some extra paper for the children and made them airplane crosses and hearts. It was a great way to share Jesus not only with the children but also with the adults around the table listening.

I could ramble on for an other hour but for now I am just going to load up a few pictures and give you an idea of what we have been doing around here….

  • admin
  • No better adventure then being married to your best friend since 1981. We had 5 children, 8 grandchildren and currently 2 great grandchildren! We love Jesus and can't wait to share Him with you through these posts....

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